Dr. Angeli TED Talk

Part of Celeste’s journey is learning all she can about spinal cord injuries. This includes learning about ongoing spinal cord injury research. During this process, Celeste discovered Dr. Angeli, a leader in spinal cord injury research. She presented a TED Talk five years ago that Celeste found really interesting. Take a moment to learn about her work and check out the TED Talk!

The following is from kesslerfoundation.org.

Claudia Angeli, PhD, is assistant director of the Tim and Caroline Reynolds Center for Spinal Stimulation at Kessler Foundation. She is a leader in combining spinal cord epidural stimulation and activity-based therapy to promote functional recovery following motor complete spinal cord injury (SCI).

Dr. Angeli conducts research to study the neural mechanisms responsible for human locomotion. Her research is also focused on developing the best strategies for promoting neuroplasticity following SCI. While working at the University of Louisville she was part of the first human proof of principle study using spinal cord lumbosacral epidural stimulation for the recovery of standing and stepping in individuals with motor complete SCI. She has expertise in the application of spinal cord epidural stimulation for the restoration of motor and autonomic function.

Over the past decade, Dr Angeli has published over 25 articles and book chapters on the use of epidural stimulation for the recovery of motor function and the modulation of autonomic function following SCI. Most noticeable are her publications in Brain, demonstrating the recovery of voluntary movement in the presence of epidural stimulation in individuals with motor complete spinal cord injury, and NEJM, demonstrating the recovery of walking following task-specific training with epidural stimulation in two individuals with motor complete SCI.

Dr. Angeli is also an associate professor in the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation department at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.


A list of Dr. Angeli’s publications on PubMed.

A very interesting and informative TED Talk given by Dr. Angeli.


Celeste’s ReWalk Journey


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