A girl who loves POWER TOOLS

A girl who loves power tools and uses them for the greater good. Since House of Many Colors, LLC. started in 2002, Celeste, with the help of her husband Rick, has bought, remodeled and rented just over 30 units in the greater Phoenix area. This is how it started.

Celeste began remodeling in the early 2000s, working for a company that did light commercial and homeowner work. She learned everything hands-on and eventually bought her first property in 2002, a very distressed triplex in central Phoenix. Over the next several years, Celeste turned the triplex into a beautiful home, and thus began the House of Many Colors.

Since then, Celeste and Rick have bought, remodeled and rented out just over 30 units, including a variety of houses, small multi-unit properties, and a 14-unit apartment building. All of these properties were in distressed condition and all were remodeled with love and care.

“What’s important to me is improving the community,” Celeste said. “Bringing new life to formerly distressed properties that people can be proud to call home.”

While Celeste can do a little bit of everything, she especially loves tiling. It’s creative, colorful and the first thing people see. She can put her heart and soul into it; it’s artistic. She also loves demoing, discovering and reusing old building supplies. For example, Celeste once used chimney bricks for patios. Celeste pours her heart and soul into remodeling these distressed properties and what keeps her going is the kind words she receives from neighbors who tell her what a difference her remodel has made for the neighborhood.

In addition to remodeling, Celeste also rents these properties. While her rent prices are in the market, Celeste keeps them realistic, keeping her tenants happy. One of the ways she does this is she repairs and responds to tenants’ issues personally. However, this has been hard to continue since her accident. Being in a chair has made it impossible to continue doing the work she loves.

This includes a project in Globe, Arizona. It’s half a neighborhood block that was very distressed. Celeste and Rick remodeled five of the 10 houses in less than a year before they went on their motorcycle trip. They planned to finish the remaining five houses when they returned. This was just over a year ago when Celeste got into the accident. They haven’t been able to finish even one house since. Celeste is grateful to have tenants who are patient with her new circumstances.

Celeste is eager to get back to the Globe project, where they have two houses under heavy renovation, three more in line, and one commercial building they would love to remodel soon. It’s important to get Celeste back on her feet so she can continue to do the work that she loves, work that is so important to the greater Phoenix community.

Help Celeste slay this dragon so she can continue this AMAZING work and be a reasonable and reliable landlord for her tenants!


She ain’t NO house mouse


Let’s talk DERBY!